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weekly reflection #3Lorn Brace-Wessel The more I learn about the plant world, the more I realize there is so much more to learn. All of the direct work with plants so far in Healing Gardens has, and will continue to my make relationship with the plant world that surrounds us much more intimate. I am a very hands on, interactive learner, and the structure of the workshops and projects has helped me greatly to gain new understandings of the way nature works: One of the most impressive labs so far has been the twig identification; I had no idea that plants could be identified so easily without their leaves and flowers/fruit. The hands-on work in the garden is extremely stimulating to the mind as well. Not only are we actively learning about the structures of plants, how to set up a working garden, which plants can benefit from each other, which plants have medicinal value, etc., there is an amazing satisfaction that can’t be gotten anywhere else than working with the earth. The journaling also gives us a chance to sit back and observe nature occurring around us, something that most people don’t do very often.
Lorn Brace-Wessel
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